Here is a picture to show I'm happy :) |
So things haven’t been easy the past few weeks…I haven’t
written much because I’ve been so busy and the internet is always playing hard
to find. I wasn’t sure if I should write
about some of the less fun parts of being here, but I thought I could at least
explain some of the things that I’m dealing with. But it’s also nearly Thanksgiving, so I’ll
talk about what I’m thankful for too. :) And I'm feeling positive as I'm writing this, so don't think I'm over here on the island moping.
Right now I’m only
teaching reading and spelling (and music, but that’s just singing or whatever I
want to do with it) because the coach took over my history classes so I could
focus more on ESL students. Working
one-on-one with kids and trying to teach them English is kind of fun, although
I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing.
But teaching in the classroom…that doesn’t come naturally for me. And how do you motivate 7th-graders
in reading class when they’re hot, bored, and have a dozen other things on
their minds? Some don’t turn in their
work, and it’s really frustrating to see them goofing off instead of doing
their assignments. I’m not the most
motivational person, and I don’t really have the energy to push and challenge
them very well. I feel like I’m trying
to lift a barrel of monkeys with my little finger sometimes. A barrel of talking, laughing, rubber-band
shooting, wrestling, ukulele-playing kids who will be going on to high school
in a couple of years. I want them to
succeed. How do I get them to focus?
And then I got sick. I
had a cough that was lasting for a couple of weeks, but then I got worse and
ended up going to the local clinic only to find out I had a 102.3 fever, sinus
infection, ear infection, and bronchitis leading to pneumonia. That was interesting…I’m a lot better now,
but had to take a lot of antibiotics and stuff.
Being here has also raised a lot of questions in my
mind. For example, I’m trying to figure
out how I feel about teaching. I was
trying to get used to it and try it out at Southern, but acting as an official
teacher in the classroom, doing all the grading, carrying the full load of
trying to control and motivate students, doing parent-teacher conferences…I’m
at the point right now where I think that I don’t mind teachING in general, but
I don’t really want to become a full-time teachER. And it’s a big relief to finally admit it,
because I was never really comfortable with the whole idea. But what does that mean? What do I do with this knowledge? Where do I go from there? I don’t really know, so I’ll be praying about
And I don’t understand myself sometimes. I don’t understand why is it so hard for me
to be confident and to be firm with students.
Or why I get stressed about little things. Or why I find it so hard to talk about what I
am feeling or thinking, and to reach out to people (I’m really noticing this a
lot here, surrounded by so many new people).
I started reading Job 9 when I’m studying the Sabbath School lesson, and
found myself bursting into tears because he’s saying exactly what I feel but
don’t want to admit. I guess I bottle
things up too much. Everything seems
fine on the outside most of the time, but then I’ll cry and people wonder why…maybe
it’s because I hate to talk about things, so I try to tough it out and tell
myself everything is fine…and it’s not.
I want everything to be okay inside and outside, but as hard as I try to be okay,
sometimes things just aren’t okay. Maybe
that’s the biggest thing I’m learning from Job.
I’m glad his book is in the Bible, because it’s actually really helpful
sometimes—even those long repetitive parts that go on and on about how
miserable everything is.
Maybe sometimes it’s okay to not be okay. I know God will take care of things, but
sometimes it’s hard to see past the issues that are in the way. And there aren’t always clear-cut answers to
everything. The most important thing is
that God is still God, and He’ll work things out for good. Don’t pretend everything is always fine, but
don’t get discouraged and abandon ship either.
Question and wrestle with issues, but don’t be stubborn or give up.
Mesulang means "Thank you very much" in Palauan |
ANYWAY, enough with the problems and struggles. I wanted to talk about what I’m thankful for
too, so let’s move on to that.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”
(Philippians 4:6)
I’m really thankful for the nice people here in Palau. My Palauan “mom” (the Palauan queen, Bilung)
sent a bunch of food for me and her other “children” among the SMs. Chicken, bread, stuffing, gravy and pumpkin
pies. She’s always doing nice things for
us even though she’s busy.
I’m thankful for the amazing things I get to see on this
island. We went to the Rock Islands on
Sunday and saw a bunch of tropical fish and a giant (6-feet wingspan is my estimate)
stingray that was trying very hard to hide under the sand. That was so cool! And we got to picnic on a little island with
palm trees and white sand. People pay
tons of money to come to these places and experience these things, but we get
to do it for free (although we have to work hard the rest of the time).
“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your
name is near” (Psalms 75:1)
Plus there are geckos and fruit bats. And I saw another rainbow on Wednesday, and
the flowers bloom all year long…(I miss the weather in New England though, so
don’t be too jealous)
I’m thankful that we got a two-day Thanksgiving break. We get to relax and enjoy time with each
other and the Surangel family (who have kindly invited us to their home for the
I’m thankful that I’m not sick any more. The cough is nearly gone and I don’t feel
like I’m fighting malaise now.
I’m thankful that we have air conditioning (or “air-con” as
they call it here). It’s nice to come back
and just “chill” after a hot day at school.
I’m thankful I can use the internet to keep in touch with
family at home. The internet might be fitful,
but at least it makes the connection possible.
I’m thankful for my students. They’re a handful, but they’re teaching me so
much, and I’m glad to have each one of them.
They’ve become “my” kids, and I guess it will be hard to say
goodbye. (That’s where the internet
comes in again…they’ve already tried to friend me on Facebook, and I have to
tell them it’s the rule to wait until we leave before accepting requests). They’re such characters, and I love them even when they're complaining.
And I’m thankful for all the ways God has shown me that He
really does care, that His promises really are for me, and that there is hope
in the future and that He’ll be guiding me.
I don’t understand everything yet, but like Job, I can just be satisfied
with knowing that God is in control and that I can trust Him even when things
aren’t going right.
“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in
Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
I miss being at home with my family for Thanksgiving—the cool
air, the wood fires, being with familiar things and people, making food
together, keeping traditions…but it’s also fun to experience something
new. Thanksgiving on a little tropical
island in the South Pacific, with a colorful crew of college students who are
also missionaries, plus the Sanchezes and Surangels. A few years ago I never would have predicted
Anyway, I hope everyone back home has a great holiday. We really do have a lot to be thankful for,
and sometimes it takes a few thorns to make you appreciate the roses more. Happy Thanksgiving!
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who
forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems
your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and
tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your
youth is renewed like the eagle's" (Psalms 103:2-5)
Thank you Southern people for the package! |
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in
Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place”
(2 Corinthians 2:14)